Winchester School of Martial Arts is a local independent Martial Arts School.
Judith Emery began her Martial Arts career 25 years ago first training in Taekwon-Do ITF, where she competed very successfully in tournaments, winning Gold both as an individual & as part of a team at international level.
Judith began studying Ju Jitsu after apprehending a burglar in her home & has worked frontline security where her skills have been tested & proven effective.
Judith began training in BJJ under Colin Howells and was awarded her Blue Belt by him. she now trains under Alex De Souza and was awarded her Purple Belt by Alex. Judith regularly competes and wins medals.
Judith is a former secondary school teacher; she gave up this career to focus on being a Martial Arts Instructor & founding Winchester School Of Martial Arts. Judith says her teaching degree means she can offer top quality professional lessons without the need to depend on stickers and charts to keep the students motivated. She is also able to tailor classes to suit the needs and requirements of all her students.
Judith states that Ju Jitsu is an all round martial art making it the perfect martial art for self defence. Students who learn Ju Jitsu learn how to strike effectively, throw their opponent, groundwork (wrestle). Students also learn effective defence techniques against the above. All students are taught the importance of only using their physical Ju Jitsu when they find themselves in a threatening situation they’re unable to walk away with.
She teaches students as young as 3 and above. Judith has age specific classes, mixed age classes suitable for siblings and mixed age classes suitable for the whole family.
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