The Next Step Physio

  • 15% off Physiotherapy Consultations
  • Mention you are a Lifestyle Card member when booking, proof of your membership required.

Business Details

Physiotherapy in the heart of Winchester. Here at The Next Step Physio we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke service to our patients, prioritising the individual’s needs. Focusing on three main ideals in order to give you the complete therapeutic experience and the best results possible. A thorough examination and diagnosis – ensuring that you understand what’s happening, why it is happening and together what we are going to do to resolve your issues.

A hands on approach – using soft tissue, physiotherapy and chiropractic techniques A unique rehabilitation plan – using specific and tailored exercises where you need it most so that when your pain is gone, it doesn’t return We believe patient understanding is key to a successful recovery and putting you at the center of everything we do. So go ahead, take The Next Step in your journey to better health.

Business Location

The Next Step Physio, Staple Gardens, Winchester, UK

How To Claim

This discount is intended for in-person use, such as at the business store, office or premises. You will be required to show your Digital Lifestyle Card and active member status. This can be found on your My Account page.

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