Peckamix Wild Bird Foods

  • 10% Off Everything In store Only
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Business Details

Peckamix is a small business which had humble beginnings back in 2016 (“we turned the kitchen into a bird food factory… Best not to move the fridge, who knows how many dried mealworms have escaped under there!”). In January 2019 they upgraded from the kitchen into a dedicated unit in Picket Piece.

Peckamix Wild Bird Foods offers Wheat Free Seed Mixes, straight foods such as Sunflower Hearts, Dried Mealworms, Suet Balls etc. as well as high quality Bird Feeders and wildlife inspired Handmade Homeware items.

They started the business to help support struggling wildlife in the UK after they realised nearly all wild bird food on the market is primarily wheat based and often contains lots of cheap low nutrition seeds that just get picked out and wasted. Those few mixes on the market that are wheat free also often contain cheap filler ingredients, such as Milo (also known as Dari), split peas and cereals. So they decided to do something about this and developed Peckamix to provide other wild bird lovers a reliable source where all the foods offered are full of nutritious seeds with no fillers or wheat in sight, just great quality all round!

Opening Hours

9am-5pm Mon-Fri

Business Location

Peckamix, Beale’s Close, Andover, UK

How To Claim

This discount is intended for online use on the listing business’s website. This could be a discount code to apply at their checkout or a direct claim link to apply the discount automatically. You will be required to login with an active membership to see these areas of this listing.

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