Moo Music

  • 10% available on your first terms booking
  • 10% available on parties.

    Business Details

    Moo Music is an award winning, educational and interactive music session for 0 to 5 year olds. Your children will love the catchy songs and exciting variation of their weekly themes. Moo Music songs are positive, uplifting and fun. They have been written by a professional songwriter and recorded by professional musicians and vocalists. It is children’s music that adults will enjoy too!

    Regular sessions run throughout term time and they also offer parties, private classes and nursery sessions.

    It is a great way to make new friends – both for the children and adults too so come along and join the fun!

    How To Claim

    This discount is intended for in-person use, such as at the business store, office or premises. You will be required to show your Digital Lifestyle Card and active member status. This can be found on your My Account page.

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