Kenyons Fruit & Veg

  • 10% discount on purchases of £30 or more (fruit & veg only)

    Business Details

    Kenyon’s Fruit & Veg have been established since 1964 as a supplier of quality fresh fruit and vegetable produce. As a family run business it has seen many changes over the years and currently supplies more than 200 catering and retail outlets in the Hampshire and Wiltshire area.

    The proprietors, Steve and Nikki Kenyon manage the day to day running of the business. They have a very active role and take pride in providing fresh produce brought daily from the market.

    To ensure the quality of the fresh fruit and vegetables, attending the Southampton market six days a weeks enables them to hand select the best possible produce available.

    Business Location

    Kenyons, Weyhill Road, Andover, UK

    How To Claim

    This discount is intended for in-person use, such as at the business store, office or premises. You will be required to show your Digital Lifestyle Card and active member status. This can be found on your My Account page.

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