Created by former Strictly professionals Ian Waite and Natalie Lowe, along with Olympic swimmer Mark Foster, FitSteps is a Latin and Ballroom based dance fitness workout where no partner is required. FitSteps Lower Impact classes incorporate FitSteps and FitSteps FAB (For All Bodies). They are based on a lighter intensity and lower impact programme with routines like Bossa Nova and Foxtrot included FitSteps General Classes include dances like Jive, Cha Cha, Paso Doble and QuickStep to give you a more intensive workout. My FitSteps participants range in ages from 22 to 87 – showing it really is suitable for everyone. Classes can be adapted to all levels and all abilities. No previous dance experience is necessary, no partner is required, you don’t need to wear heels or dress in slinky sparkles. You just the motivation to come along and try a fun class, and you’ll get fitter without even realising it!
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