is a website that covers topics such as Menopause, symptoms and remedies. Parenting and activities for kids to do. The final topic is Life Advice. We have also just launched our NEW menopause help book aimed at men and businesses as well as women! Our aim is to get this book out to women at a younger age and businesses to further educate them on menopause and its symptoms.
With women all over the globe struggling through menopause we are on a mission to inform and educate everyone about this time in a woman’s life, including employees and employers! More than 1 million women in the UK could leave their jobs due to a lack of menopause support in the workplace. More and more businesses are currently working on educating themselves in ways that they can support their female workforce through this time.
With inclusion currently at the forefront of many businesses, this subject could not be more relevant, and with the government working on finalising a workplace menopause policy, now is the time to be implementing those changes. Employers are being encouraged to educate themselves and do what they can to support women going through this time in their life. This also has a huge effect on men and their relationships too. We are here to support you! Our Menopause Help book is full of short, easy to read chapters that cover the main symptoms of menopause. The aim of this book is to get it to as many people as possible worldwide!
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