Trained in London and China, Emma is an accredited acupuncturist with the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). She can treat a wide range of conditions from anxiety to zits drawing on her 25 years of clinical experience and vast knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine philosophy, naturopathy, aromatherapy, and eastern dietary therapy.
We all face health problems that can cause us a great deal of pain, suffering and anxiety. Maybe you’ve lost your spark and want to feel more vibrant again but don’t know how to get it back? Let Emma at Acupuncture Associates help pinpoint your energetic imbalances using oriental diagnosis, offering you a dynamic blend of east and western therapeutic approaches. Putting the needs of your health first and foremost, you will experience the highest quality acupuncture treatments that exceed your expectations.
Find out how Emma can support your physical, mental, and emotional energy through the ancient Chinese power of Acupuncture and Naturopathic treatments. Like to have a chat? Book your acupuncture free discovery call today.
Treatments available at the Lotus Flower Clinic include the following:
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Moxibustion & Cupping
Aromatherapy, Acupressure and Meridian Massage
Facial Rejuvenation and The Yin Yang Yoga Facial Experience
Detox, Weight Release and Anti-Cellulite Programmes
Eastern and Western Nutritional Counselling
Bach Flower Remedies for Emotional Balance
Dietary Supplement Advice
Ear Candling
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